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Cucumi What storage engine is your database using, what features does it have?
Cucumi What storage engine is your database using, what features does it have?
Cucumi Check it in your database tables.. there is a column that says what type of storage engine you are using.
Cucumi You are with you a missile that you cannot use
Erick Meza
InnoDB , should change to MariaDB?
Cucumi It is also important to reduce the number of additions to your site. Here is what I use:
Check your site regularly.
will a new version be available? For example, will the media call be changed? I have this part of the code quite customized on my project. Would it be possible to get access to some beta version? Thanks for the info.
ahmed badweno
Mine https://prnt.sc/j4Ns2qpgF6cN
However, https://prnt.sc/vm-CnSnby4lY
Don't know what should i disable?
Hi, when will the version be released?
Could you add another option for this theme or your upcoming themes where we have a page with the episodes just for the airing shows? It doesn't have to be exactly for airing shows, but a toggle that we can select so we can add them to that archive.
It should be something like the current episodes page where we have a page like this one, and a module for the front page.
It would be much easier for our users to have access just to those episodes, and not have them mixed with the episodes from the old shows.
Cucumi Message me on Telegram badweno
ahmed badweno
i did, but seem like you are not online yet.
A group can be created on Telegram, I am also facing the same issue.
Where can I download demo version to test it?
Yesterday, my site was disappear in bing search and the problem is "Alt attribute for images is missing" I found the problem in doo_player.php image icon for flags and the fake player backrop. there is no alt attribute . please add this in the new version.
alma Thank you for reporting, we will review it.
Aeon Spoke There is no demo version yet.